Learn about the various aspects of selling real estate that is inherited such as mortgage assumption, probate and estate costs, estate tax, and dealing with conflicting interests. Continue reading “Probate & Real Estate Podcast: Selling a Home After the Death of a Loved One”
Trust v Will – Difference Between a Trust and a Will
Pros, cons and differences between a Trust and a Will Continue reading “Trust v Will – Difference Between a Trust and a Will”
What is a Medicaid Trust?
Video transcript:
Michael Levitis 00:00
Good day, everybody. This is Michael Levitis, from Jurisq.com, with Irina Yadgarova, an estate and elder law planning attorney. And we always talk with Irina, regarding how to plan for your retirement, how to get yourself affordable and even free healthcare in the form of Medicaid. Continue reading “What is a Medicaid Trust?”
New Medicaid Income and Asset Eligibility Levels for 2023
Medicaid income and asset thresholds age 65 and up (or disabled) effective January 1, 2023 in New York
Simple and effective estate planning tip
Staying organized and leaving moral directives can save a lot of time, stress, money and aggravation for your heirs.
2022 New York State Estate Tax & Strategies to Mitigate
New York State Estate Tax & Strategies to Mitigate
In 2022, the New York estate tax exemption is $6,110,000 (up from $5.93mm in 2021). This means that a New Yorker passing away with more than the exemption amount (or a non NY resident with tangible or real property in NY in excess of the exemption) must pay a state estate tax. Continue reading “2022 New York State Estate Tax & Strategies to Mitigate”
2022 Medicaid Planning Update- Russian
Не смотря на то, что огромное количество Американских пенсионеров среднего класса продолжает иметь право на медикейд, мы обычно думаем (неправильно!), что если мы владеем недвижимым имуществом или хорошо зарабатываем, то мы не имеем право на медикейд после выхода на пенсию.
для многих из нас старость без медикейда означает растрату наших сбережений на лекарства по рецептам и на услуги за уход либо в своём доме, либо в доме для престарелых.
Но факт тот, что если спланировать заранее, то можно предусмотреть, что Ваши медицинские нужды смогут покрываться медикейдом, когда Вы и Ваши близкие выйдут на пенсию. В связи с новыми законами о программе Medicaid от 2022 года планировать раньше стало как никогда важно. Continue reading “2022 Medicaid Planning Update- Russian”
Settlement checks and government benefits
depending on your age, disability status and the type of benefits you are receiving (e.g. SSI, Medicaid, government housing) Continue reading “Settlement checks and government benefits”
Is it ever too late to plan for Medicaid?
One half or all of your assets can be protected from nursing homes depending on how early you engage in estate and elder law planning. Continue reading “Is it ever too late to plan for Medicaid?”
Medicare Basics and Elder Law Planning
This video is a great introduction to Medicare basics such as who should be applying for Medicare and when, as well as information about the part B premiums, premium penalty, open enrollment periods, and various plans. The video also touches upon the significance of Medicaid planning due to the fact that Medicare doesn’t cover all medical expenses such as long term care, etc.